What got you here, won’t get you there

2022-09-29T07:28:53-05:00September 13th, 2022|

Question: Do you consider yourself independent?

It would surprise me if you weren’t…entrepreneurs tend to be a highly independent bunch.

And being independent is great for starting a company, but can hinder growth once launched.

What got you here, won’t get you there.

My hot tip is a simple one: Ask for help. Check out the video I made for you:

One thing that’s true about entrepreneurs is that we tend to be a very independent bunch.

We don’t follow the same kind of path that most of America follows, where we are an employee versus an employer.

In our case, we wanted to strike out on our own and do our own thing.

But the mindset that’s required to actually grow is…to ask for more help.

You can see that there’s some friction or tension between these two parts of ourselves, quite often.



Asking for Help

We have this independent streak and at the same time, to…

  • Go to the next level in our businesses
  • Have our businesses survive
  • Manage our work-life balance

…we need to ask for more help.

So both can be true at the same time, we can be independent AND we can be well supported.

It’s not one or the other.

And so maybe you need support in your business. You need to:

  • Hire an employee, or
  • Learn to delegate better
  • Get help in your household

Dig deep and think about where the places are in your business and in your life that you need more help.

That having more help would really help you accelerate your business, stabilize your business…perhaps even save your business.

What is it that you need to ask for more help around in order to take your business to the next level?

Give it some thought.

Erin Joy

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