Erin Joy


A community of women entrepreneurs

Erin Joy’s Inner Circle

About the Inner Circle Experience:

We’ve heard it loud and clear: Women business owners are hungry to connect with other women entrepreneurs dealing with the complex challenges (and opportunities!) of running sophisticated businesses.

Why? They know they can learn so much from one another and leverage the crowdsourced knowledge and shortcutted learning to grow better businesses.

The problem? These same women are also regularly stretched by priorities and feel hard-pressed to take time on a regular basis to work ON their business rather than IN their business…even though doing exactly that would help business massively in the long run.

Does this sound like you? I have something I think you’ll like…

What if you could come together with other women business owners just like you, with a time commitment of just 4 hours per session and get all of the following:

  • Emotional support
  • Insider information on strategies that are working (and not working) for your peers
  • A tribe of supporters who believe in you (even on days you don’t believe in yourself)
  • Solutions to vexing questions and roadblocks and avoidance of expensive mistakes through crowdsourced knowledge
  • More confidence and clarity so you can take the right strategic actions to minimize missteps and reach your goals
  • The ability to treat the cause, not the symptom by resolving underlying foundational issues with your business
  • Increased productivity by staying focused and accountable
  • Insight into psychology-focused mindsets to help in your approach to business and life
  • A confidential, non-judgmental, non-competitive environment for you to bring any topic you’re struggling with
  • Peer-to-peer interaction in a small-group setting, acting as part support group, part think tank to provide the support you need to help grow and lead your business
  • A trained facilitator (me, Erin Joy) to make sure conversations stay focused and productive

Plus…you have nothing to lose with a money back guarantee!*

What You Get With This Program:

  • Monthly Inner Circle Sessions: One 4-hour Inner Circle session in person every month except for July due to summer break. Collaborate with fellow high-performing women business owners dedicated to knowledge-sharing and issue-solving. Your group will meet on the 1st, 2nd or 3rd Tuesday of the month from 1 – 5p.
  • Deep Dive Session: A private, 90-minute deep dive session with me to analyze your business, identify immediate issues and opportunities, and begin crafting your strategic plan
  • Text, email and phone support: On an as-needed basis and within reason
  • Special Guest Presenters: Learn from the best special guest presenters on the topics of marketing, human resources, financial management, and technology.
  • Office Hours: Join me on the 3rd Friday of the month from 10-11a for on the spot coaching & consulting in a group setting with fellow clients and circle members
  • Onboarding questionnaire: Help me understand you, your business goals and challenges by completing our onboarding questionnaire
  • Inner Circle Social Events: In addition to our sessions, there will be social events in the Spring, Summer and Fall to provide additional opportunities for networking and connecting with the group.
  • Erin’s Golden Rolodex: Get access to Erin’s network of resources to help you cut through red tape and hurdles so you can get things done, as well as a roster of your fellow roundtable members.
  • Money-Back Guarantee: If you attend all sessions and don’t have at least one major shift during our time together.


$4,995 total investment
$650 down to secure your spot & book your deep dive session followed by 11 monthly payments of $395 starting July 2024
Or, save 5% with prepay
Plus, access to discounted rates for additional 1:1 sessions with Erin
Enrollment into the current Inner Circle groups is open now to begin in June. Inquire today!

Ready to Say Yes?

If your business has $10M+, please click here to inquire.

* Must attend all 4-hour Inner Circle sessions

Let’s create the business you want with less stress and more profit. Let’s connect.


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