Dr. Erin Joy


A community of high-impact entrepreneurs

Dr. Erin Joy’s Inner Circle

About the Inner Circle Experience:

Business owners are hungry for connection and facilitated, crowd-sourced ideas. They crave spaces where they can be vulnerable about their businesses with other CEOs who understand the highs and lows of running sophisticated companies.

BUT, these same business owners worry about a competitive environment, unrealistic time commitments, and a return on investment.

Dr. Erin Joy has created an inner circle experience unlike any other for female entrepreneurs, interior designers, builders and contractors, corporate leaders, and nonprofit leaders.

Think about how it could transform your business to come together with other business owners like you – monthly or quarterly – and get all of the following?

  • Emotional support
  • Insider information on strategies that are working (and not working) for your peers
  • A tribe of supporters who believe in you (even on days you don’t believe in yourself)
  • Solutions to vexing questions and roadblocks and avoidance of expensive mistakes through crowdsourced knowledge
  • More confidence and clarity so you can take the right strategic actions to minimize missteps and reach your goals
  • The ability to treat the cause, not the symptom by resolving underlying foundational issues with your business
  • Increased productivity by staying focused and accountable
  • Insight into psychology-focused mindsets to help in your approach to business and life
  • A confidential, non-judgmental, non-competitive environment for you to bring any topic you’re struggling with
  • Peer-to-peer interaction in a small-group setting, acting as part support group, part think tank to provide the support you need to help grow and lead your business
  • A trained facilitator (Dr. Erin Joy) to deliver high-value content and ensure conversations stay focused and productive

Let’s create the business you want with less stress and more profit.


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